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Empowering Women: Mastering Safety in the Workplace, on the Road, and at Home

  • 10/18/2023
  • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (EDT)
  • Virtual Webinar On Zoom


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Empowering Women: Mastering Safety in the Workplace, on the Road, and at Home

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

1:30-2:30 PM EDT

Meet our Safety Educator, Jessica Levin, a passionate advocate for equipping, empowering, and educating women on personal protection. With three daughters of her own, she has spent years researching and testing the most effective products available, ultimately finding that the offerings from Damsel In Defense are second to none.

Jessica firmly believes that by providing women with the right tools, they can gain confidence and feel empowered to protect themselves and their families. Alongside these exceptional products, she offers personal instruction and guidance, ensuring each individual can select what works best for their specific situation.

Taking her commitment to safety education even further, Jessica provides classes that cater to the unique needs of individuals and groups, all at no additional cost. These classes cover a wide range of topics, including the introductory Empower Hour, as well as monthly themes like Vehicle Safety, Active Shooter Preparedness, Online Safety, and more. Through these classes, she aims to empower individuals with knowledge and practical skills to handle potentially dangerous situations.

But Jessica's motivation runs even deeper.  Having personally experienced victimhood for over 35 years, she understands the challenges victims face in sharing their experiences.   However, her journey with Damsel In Defense over the last 6 1/2 years has not only helped her find her own voice but has also aided in her healing process, transforming her from a victim to a survivor. This unique perspective fuels her passion for assisting other victims of sexual assault, helping them find their own voices and become survivors too.

With a firm belief in the power of making a difference, Jessica draws inspiration from the Starfish Story: "I made a difference to that ONE." She is committed to changing the statistics surrounding personal safety, one woman at a time.


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